Resultify logo Fortnox app for HubSpot

Get started with Fortnox to HubSpot sync app

This describes the process of how to set up and install the app.

Setup in HubSpot

Note that you also need to buy the Fortnox app on HubSpot marketplace to have the full integration working.

  • Search for the Fortnox app in HubSpot Marketplace or click here
  • Click on the installation button.
  • Select the account you want to use for installing the Fortnox app and click on Choose account.

Choose HubSpot account

  • Click on Connect app to give the app permission to install the Fortnox app in your account.

Connect HubSpot app

  • You will then be redirected to the authentication window for Fortnox.

Setup in Fortnox

Note that you also need to buy the Fortnox to HubSpot app on Fortnox marketplace to have the full integration working.

  • Enter the username for the Fortnox account to use.

Enter the username for Fortnox

  • Enter the password for the Fortnox account to use.

Enter the password for Fortnox

  • Click on Godkänn behörighet to give the app permission to install the Fortnox app in your account.

Connect Fortnox app

Finish setup

  • You have now installed the Fortnox app in your HubSpot account and added it to your Fortnox account.
  • A sync will be made within the next 2 hours for the Customer registry from Fortnox into HubSpot Company entities. If it is activated in the App settings

Companies in HubSpot


Here are the information that are synced for the different entities.

Fortnox to HubSpot

Syncing companies

  • Once every second (2) hour a sync is being made for Companies from Fortnox to HubSpot. It includes both creating and updating Companies.
  • The check-up for if a Customer exists is the following order name, fortnox_id and then last domain
  • To reduce the risk of duplicated companies, make sure your customers are properly named in HubSpot.
Field HubSpot Direction Field Fortnox Description
Company: fortnox_id <- CustomerNumber Field created by the Fortnox app to keep track of which customer it is related to
Company: organization_number_from_fortnox <- OrganisationNumber Field created by the Fortnox app for getting the Organization Number for easier identification
Company: name <- Name
Company: address <- Address1
Company: address2 <- Address2
Company: city <- City
Company: zip <- ZipCode
Company: phone <- Phone

Syncing products

  • Once every 30 minutes a sync is being made for Products from Fortnox to HubSpot. It includes both creating and updating Products.
  • The check-up for if a Products exists is the by checking the SKU (hs_sku)
Field HubSpot Direction Field Fortnox
Product: SKU (hs_sku) <- ArticleNumber
Product: name <- Description
Product: description <- Description
Product: price <- SalesPrice
Product: Cost of goods sold (hs_cost_of_goods_sold) <- PurchasePrice
Product: tax <- VAT

Syncing invoices to deals

This feature lets you import invoices from Fortnox and to deals in HubSpot.

First time setup:

If you enable this feature, a new sales pipeline named "Fortnox Invoices" will be created in HubSpot specifically for these invoices.

This pipeline will have four stages: Unpaid, Paid in Full, Unpaid Overdue, and Credited.

Invoices can only be imported if these conditions are met:
  • The "Fortnox Invoices" pipeline and its stages created during first time setup must exist in HubSpot.
  • The currency used on the invoice must be part of the current effective currency codes for the HubSpot portal.
  • The company listed on the invoice must already be imported as a company in HubSpot.
Field HubSpot Direction Field Fortnox
Deal: invoice_number_in_fortnox <- DocumentNumber
Deal: final_pay_date_in_fortnox <- FinalPayDate
Deal: amount <- Calculation: TotalToPay - (TotalVAT + RoundOff)
Deal: deal_currency_code <- Currency
Deal: closedate <- DueDate
Deal: createdate <- InvoiceDate
Deal: name <- InvoiceType DocumentNumber - CustomerName
Deal: description <- Comments
Line items: hs_sku <- InvoiceRow ArticleNumber
Line items: name <- InvoiceRow Description
Line items: quantity <- InvoiceRow DeliveredQuantity

HubSpot to Fortnox

Create an Invoice

When an Invoice is created in Fortnox based on a HubSpot Deal, following fields are mapped. Only a few Fortnox fields are populated to use Fortnox default handling of invoices.

Field HubSpot Direction Field Fortnox
Deal: deal_currency_code -> Currency
Company: fortnox_id -> CustomerNumber
Contact: firstname lastname -> YourReference
Deal: description -> Remarks
Line item: hs_sku -> ArticleNumber
Line item: quantity -> DeliveredQuantity
Line item: price -> Price
Line item: discount or hs_discount_percentage -> Discount
Line item: calculated (hs_total_discount or hs_discount_percentage) -> DiscountType ('AMOUNT' or 'PERCENT')

Create a Company

The Fortnox to HubSpot sync app allows you to create a company in Fortnox based on a HubSpot company. This feature can be enabled or disabled from the app settings in HubSpot.

Field HubSpot Direction Field Fortnox Description
Company: address -> Address1
Company: address2 -> Address2
Company: city -> City
Company: fortnox_id -> CustomerNumber Field created by the Fortnox app to keep track of which customer it is related to
Company: name -> Name
Company: organization_number_from_fortnox -> OrganisationNumber Field created by the Fortnox app for getting the Organization Number for easier identification
Company: phone -> Phone1
Company: zip -> ZipCode

App settings

Within HubSpot there is a few options related to the App.

App settings in HubSpot

Sync Companies
Toggle if the sync of companies should be active. This is synced every second (2) hour.
Sync Products
Toggle if the sync of products should be active. This is synced every 30 minutes.
Fortnox invoice to Deal pipeline
Toggle if the scheduled import of Fortnox invoices to HubSpot deals should be active.
HubSpot deal to Fortnox invoice
Toggle to allow/disallow Fortnox invoices to be created based on HubSpot deal.
HubSpot company to Fortnox customer
Toggle to allow/disallow Fortnox customers to be created based on HubSpot company.
Re-authenticate HubSpot and Fortnox
Option to re-authenticate HubSpot and Fortnox option if e.g. scopes have changed. Opens a popup with a button that opens the authentication process in a new window. Once finished the popup can be closed.

Toogle syncs

In the right sidebar of company records, there’s a CRM card showing the “Organization number from Fortnox” and “Fortnox ID” for the connected Fortnox customer.

App settings in HubSpot

If the company isn’t linked to a Fortnox customer, you can create one by clicking the “Create as customer in Fortnox” button, provided following conditions are met.

1. App Setting
2. Company Information
  • The "Organization number from Fortnox" field for the HubSpot company is known.
  • The "Fortnox ID" field for the HubSpot company must be unknown.
  • There should be no existing customer in Fortnox with the same organization number.

On the right sidebar of deal records, there’s a CRM card showing the “Invoice number in Fortnox” for the connected Fortnox invoice.

App settings in HubSpot

If the deal isn’t linked to a Fortnox invoice, you can create one by clicking the “Create as invoice in Fortnox” button, provided following conditions are met.

1. App Setting
2. Deal Information
  • The "Invoice number in Fortnox" field for the HubSpot deal must be unknown.
  • The deal's currency must exist in Fortnox.
  • The deal must be associated with a company.
3. Company Information
  • The associated company's "Organization number from Fortnox" is known.
4. Line Items
  • The deal must have at least one line item.
  • All line items must use the same currency.
  • None of the line items can have recurring billing frequency.
  • Line items with SKUs must correspond to articles existing in Fortnox.
  • Allowed characters for SKUs include letters, underscores, hyphens, and slashes.